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<DAEGU> Late-Night Pharmacy list, Open until Midnight (24:00, 06:00), Map Links, Address

by Piggyback7 2024. 4. 5.

The list of Late-Night Pharmacies in Daegu&#44; Korea



Here is a complete list of late-night pharmacies in Daegu Metropolitan City, including their locations, addresses, and operating hours, along with Google Maps and Naver Maps links for your convenience.


When traveling in Daegu and suddenly needing medication late at night, you'll need to find a pharmacy that's open until midnight. The table below includes Google Maps and Naver Maps links to late-night pharmacies, so you can easily find their locations on your smartphone right away.

When asking Koreans around you, it's a good idea to show them the Korean letters of the table below.

The source of the information is the Holiday Keeper Pharmacy website (pharm114.or.kr) and Daegu Metropolitan City's official website. (updated in March 24)

The basic operating hours of late-night pharmacies in Daegu are from 9 pm (21:00) to midnight (24:00) every day, including weekdays and public holidays. There is also a special late-night pharmacy in Daegu called "Simya Pharmacy" which is open 24/7 from 10 pm (22:00) to 6 am (06:00) the next day.

Please note that the actual operating hours of late-night pharmacies may vary by pharmacy, and they may be closed depending on the situation. Please call the pharmacy in advance to confirm.

Operating hours
Pharm. Name Address GOOGLE NAVER Telephone
22:00 ∼ 06:00
The next day
수성구 심야약국 수성구 희망로 175 Google map Naver map 053-768-3679
Suseong-gu  Simya
175 Huimang-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu
(21:00 ∼ 24:00) 중구 복음약국 달성로29(대신동) Google map Naver map 053-252-1325
Jung-gu Bokum
29 Dalseong-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
중구 한성약국 중앙대로386-1(동성로3가) Google map Naver map 053-425-5575
Jung-gu Hansung
386-1 Jungang-daero, Jung-gu, Daegu
중구 한일약국 국채보상로598 Google map Naver map 053-424-4664
Jung-gu Hanil
598 Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu
서구 원고개약국 통학로48길44(비산동) Google map Naver map 053-558-3711
Seo-gu Wongogae
44 Tonghak-ro 48-gil, Seo-gu, Daegu
남구 건강약국 대명로205(대명동) Google map Naver map 053-815-1862
Nam-gu Keongang
205 Daemyeong-ro, Nam-gu, Daegu
북구 강북약국 칠곡중앙대로 450 (읍내동) 율곡스퀘어 101호 Google map Naver map 053-323-8736
Buk-gu Gangbuk
450 Chilgokjungang-daero, Buk-gu, Daegu
북구 정성약국 동북로254(복현동) Google map Naver map 053-216-9115
Buk-gu Jungsung
254 Dongbuk-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu
달서구 월성사랑약국 조암로 32(월성동)신월성미소지움 116호 Google map Naver map 053-635-7300
Dalseo-gu Wolseong Sarang
32 Joam-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu
09:00~24:00 달서구 삼일약국 와룡로 123 1층(감삼동) Google map Naver map 053-568-3375
Dalseo-gu Samil
123 Waryong-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu

The Korean Pharmaceutical Association has been conducting a pilot project with the support of the government and local governments since 2023 to help people who have difficulty finding a pharmacy late at night. We are grateful for their efforts to provide late-night pharmacy services.

We hope that this information is helpful to everyone who needs to find a pharmacy late at night.


The list of Late night pharmacies in Busan.
click above image to find Busan late night pharm.


The list of Late-night pharmacies in Seoul Korea
click above image to find Seoul late night pharm.

